on leave today... so fast 2008 end and 2009 come.. finding that I getting older and older, still carry on with my life.. everything seem the same when in 2007.. the things that changes is my job, love my job now compare to last few jobs that I working with.. different is now I at
kent ridge wing seldom go to main building.. I will still miss main building..
took my mum out for a walk at orchard just a few hours, went for shopping but didn't buy any stuffs.. my mum told me that orchard clothing all the same not much different compare to
chinatown which my mum always go.. my mum prefer
chinatown.. senior people will always like
chinatown.. young people will like town area..
after shopping we went home for rest.. but me need to bring my bro and JO for dinner buffet have a treat for her as belated
birthday... went to
Furama Hotel, The Square to have international buffet as I have staff prices.. $30 nett.. for those who are
healthcare people, one card for 4 people
including yourself... after dinner took bus to orchard to Heeren then to Taka Kinokuniya to buy New Moon...
tired day...